Events and MYO’s clubs

Traditional events
Valentine’s day party
“Snot on the cheek” ski competition with JMYO
The Anniversary of Metsäylioppilaat ry
”Vappu”- The First of May
Summer Party at Hyytiälä forestry research station
PM competitions between Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark
Moose-huntings at Hyytiälä forestry research station
”Hirvi- ja taimijuhlat”(Moose and Sapling Party) in November
Pre Christmas Party
International Forestry Students’ Association events throughout spring semesters’
Current information about our events also at the main event page and our Instagram account.
MYO sports
Every week free of charge ball games such as floorball, volleyball, basketball at Viikin Monitoimitalo.
MYO’s sport shift on Mondays at 20-21
MMYL’s sport shifts on Mondays at 21-22, Tuesdays at 17-18 and Sundays at 21-22. (also free of charge for students in Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry!)
MYO clubs
Timber trade club (PK-kerho)
Excursions of forest industry, business and a lot more!
Timber Trade Club connects together Helsinki forestry students of economic interests. The aim of the club is to contribute the knowledge of forest-based business field and studies in forestry, as well as to prepare students to link into work life. Club provides numerous activities with practical experiences and new aspects to combine with the theoretical studies.
Annually there is elected Timber Trade Club board of 5 to 9 persons, who are in charge to actively create and organize activities for the members. Also, Timber Trade Club is owner member of Contact Forum- student fair, which is one of the biggest student fairs in Finland.
Timber Trade Club organizes excursions to interesting and topical companies and organizations, which are essential to the field of forestry. Every year club arranges long-awaited excursions, which head for a longer time to home country or abroad year after another. Traditional event is the night of freshmen, where new students have a chance to get to know the club. Timber Trade Club is most well-known for its outstanding excursions and trips, which combines freshmen as well as older students not to learn only, but to enjoy!
If you want to get the latest updates about the excursions and events, join the mailing list and like the page of Puukaupallinen Kerho – Timber Trade Club on Facebook! Also, the members of board are willing to inform you about the club, so please, ask. Come along, you are welcome!
Forest- and wood technology club (MPTK)
The Forest and Wood Technology Club consists of the students of the Faculty of the Forest Sciences in University of Helsinki. The main thing of the club is to improve the networking between the club’s members and the operators of the forest and wood technology industry. Every year we organize two excursions, one in the autumn and one in the spring. A member of Metsäylioppilaat ry is automatically a member of the Forest and Wood Technology Club.
Instagram: metsajapuuteknologiakerho
MyFor (Tropic forests and foreign affairs)
Student club for tropic topics!
This club is for all students interested in global issues and foreign affairs. We arrange exotic parties, get-togethers with interesting guests and excursions in Finland and abroad. We also give advice to students in tropical studies and share experiences from work and studies abroad. Our aim is to connect people from different backgrounds but with similar interests.